Your Higher Calling

Author Unknown

How true this is.

As caregivers, it is so easy to lose sight of our higher calling.

In part, this is because we spend much of our time focused on our difficulties and problems, which in truth are many indeed.

Sometimes it helps to shift our focus to our Creator (the problem solver) rather than the problems. Look up!

Ask for divine help in those moments when you feel like giving up. Sometimes the answers come at the oddest times from the most unexpected sources.

Think about this: our Creator is an expert on any topic you care to name. He created it all and He knows how to repair it all. Ask for divine answers. He will guide you to them.

Give yourself permission to look at the bigger picture.

In the grand scheme of things, this is only one season of life on your personal timeline. It will end one day either by circumstance or choice.

My favorite mantra as a caregiver came to me as a divine download on a very tough day.

It simply says, “I can handle anything as long as it’s temporary . . . and if you think about it, EVERYTHING in this life is temporary!”

That one thought kept things in perspective for me and kept me going so many times during my difficult fourteen-year caregiving journey.

While you are here, try to identify the lessons that life is showing you. Try to envision your higher calling.

I know it’s hard. Some days it feels impossible to even imagine that one day it will all be over and then you’ll ask yourself, “Why did I go through all that?”

Perhaps it is because the lessons you learn now will help you later to understand, have deep compassion for, and be able to support others in their caregiving journey.

If you are a believer, remember that you are never truly alone. You have a divine helper that is available to you 24/7.

Run to Him and He will meet you right where you are, even in the midst of your imperfect circumstance.

Meditate on this thought today: “Greater love has no man (or woman) than those who lay down their lives for a friend.”

You, my friends are unique. You are special. You are one in a million. A rare jewel. A priceless gift.

You have a higher calling on your life.

We want to hear from you!